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Rapid Novor

Based in Canada, Rapid Novor Inc. is one of the world's leaders in antibody protein sequencing technology. Specializing in the field of mass spectrometry-based proteomics, the team has developed the technology to directly sequence antibody proteins without needing to access the producing cell line. Biological systems are incredibly diverse, constantly changing, and hard to understand without directly accessing the functional, circulating proteins, which is why Rapid Novor are committed to helping people understand the immune system by directly accessing these proteins.

Rapid Novor
  • 100% guaranteed
  • Publications
  • Slave free alliance

Why choose Rapid Novor?


  • Accuracy Standards -
    They do not accept less than 100% accuracy, which they make sure of using rigorous quality control and data quality standards.
  • Depth of coverage -
    They have a minimum of 30x coverage over every single amino acid.
  • Real Time Sequencing -
    They carry out proprietary software sequences in real-time, so scientists can adjust MS settings for the most accurate results.
  • Independent Reviews -
    All sequences are assembled by their proprietary algorithm and reviewed by a minimum of 2 bioinformaticians.
  • Isobaric checks -
    All isobaric combinations are determined using their wILD® technology.


Current services include...

<i>de novo</i> Protein Sequencing

de novo Protein Sequencing

<i>de novo</i> Antibody Sequencing

de novo Antibody Sequencing

Antibody Discovery

Antibody Discovery

Sequence Verification Service

Sequence Verification Service

HDX-MS Epitope Mapping

HDX-MS Epitope Mapping