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Promoting a Sustainable Future

2BScientific strongly believes that finding ways to ensure that we, as a global society, live sustainably is a top priority in living in harmony on the planet. We are currently working on two main initiatives. Firstly, working towards utilising alternatives to Single Use Plastics and secondly to provide financial support to two very important Bee charities. 2BScientific will be looking at introducing related environmental initiatives in the coming years. 

We have now switched to Octopus Energy!


2BScientific has now switched energy provider to Octopus Energy, where all electricity comes from 100% renewable sources like sun, wind and water.

They are currently Britain's most awarded energy supplier, winning awards from the Green Energy Awards and the Better society awards to recognise all the investments they've made into greener generation and energy systems.

Click the link below to find out more about their energy-efficient policies.

Octopus Energy 'Green Power'

2BScientific and its
Free from Single Use Plastic Policy

2BScientific has taken the decision to be free of single use plastics and consequently, we have now changed all of our packaging to include recyclable jiffy bags, paper packing fillers, biodegradable self-sealed product bags, biodegradable bubble wrap, and biodegradable foam chips (recycled from suppliers).

2BScientific is now completely Carbon Neutral!!!

The Fight for the Honey and Bumble Bee

Here at 2BScientific we care about the bees and do as much as we can to help them. We regularly donate to the British Bee Keepers Association and help raise awareness about the disappearance of the bees through social media.

Honey bees & Bumble bees are disappearing globally at an alarming rate due to pesticides, parasites, and disease and habitat loss. If these little insects that help provide so much of the food we eat were to vanish, what would we do without them?

Well we would not have the following:

Honey and Bumble bees play a pivotal role in our ecosystem as pollinators, and are essential in putting food on our tables. But, worryingly, the numbers of pollinators have been declining in recent years. The bee population in the UK alone has fallen between 10% and 15% over the last two years.

We are passionate about all bees (after all this is why we named our company 2BScientific) and this is why we contribute £1 for every order you as a customer places with us, to help with research funding by the British Bee Keepers Association into essential studies to help understand and reverse the bees decline. To date we have together raised over £15,000 to this great cause.

Bees For Development

As our ongoing support for Bees grows we are now going to be donating to the ‘Bees for Development’ (UK charity 1078803). Bees for development promote sustainable beekeeping to combat poverty and to build resilient livelihoods. They conserve and maintain the environment for people and for bees.

Bees make honey

Bees for Development train beekeepers

Beekeepers make money

We look forward to supporting this wonderful UK based charity promoting beekeeping to combat poverty and to protect biodiversity is an excellent charity for 2BScientific Limited to support.